Hoppy Trails American Pale Ale 20L Fresh Wort Kit
Fresh Wort Kit
20L of fresh wort to produce an American IPA with a malty backbone and light floral hop flavour and aroma.
A malty pale ale with a rich backbone and light, crushable body. A lighter mouthfeel and complex caramel notes perfectly balance with a moderate bitterness to provide an easy drinking pale ale. Feel free to take some creative license with dry hops or omit them completely for a more traditional pale ale.
Grains: Pale Ale, Caramunich Type 3
Hops: Warrior, Motueka, Cascade
Mash Temp: Sacc Rest - 66°C
Makes: 20 litres
1. Sanitise your fermenter and brewing equipment.
2. Ensure the temperature of the fresh wort is within range of your selected yeast strains ideal fermentation temperature.
3. Pour the contents of the fresh wort kit into your sanitised fermenter. Pour the fresh wort hard into your fermenter. Splashing of the wort allows the wort to dissolve oxygen which ensures a healthy fermentation.
4. Pitch the yeast into the wort.
5. Add the recommended dry hops (if applicable), as fermentation is nearly finished.
6. Ferment your beer until the gravity is stable.
7. Bottle or keg your beer.
8. Enjoy!