Pure Distilling Dutch Style Gin Botanical Blend 80g
A blend of juniper berries and other botanicals to produce a Dutch Style Gin.
Make your own delicious Dutch Gin using botanicals, just like distilleries do! Each 80g packet makes 2.25L of gin. Dutch gin, also known as jenever or genever, is a traditional juniper-flavored spirit that originated in the Netherlands. It predates the development of the London Dry style gin and is considered the predecessor to modern gin. It has a smoother, slightly sweeter taste compared to London Dry gin, with a more pronounced maltiness. Dutch gin can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or used in cocktails.
1. Pour one third of the botanicals into 2.5 Litres of spirit, leave to soak for up to
24 hours
2. Add the flavoured spirit to the boiler, straining out botanicals and top up
with water
3. Add the remaining botanicals into a Pure Distilling Gin Basket and attach
to condenser
4. Run distillation, extracting approximately 2.25L @ 40% ABV
5. For detailed instructions, refer to our website or Pure Distilling
Gin Basket instructions