Hop of The Month - XPA - Extract Recipe Kit
A complete recipe kit for extract brewers. Includes all the ingredients as well as instructions to brew a delicious Extra Pale Ale, one of the most popular beer styles currently on the market; known for its hop flavours and aromas, light colour and crisp finish.
We recommend kegging styles like this and drinking fresh - within 2-3 months of bottling or kegging for the best results. Hop bags also make dry hopping easy; you can get them here.
Approximate ABV: | 4.6% |
Final Volume (fermenter): | 23L |
Colour (EBC): | 7 |
Ideal Fermenting Temperature: | 18 - 21 |
IBU: | >20 |
Brewing time: | 30 Minutes |
Fermenting time: | 7 days |
Flavour: A balanced malty body with a light finish, topped off with intense flavours from the hop of the Month. Changes from month to month with experimental hops being favoured; hop flavour is generally dank, juicy, fruity, citrusy or a combination of flavours.
Aroma: Punchy hop aroma with light bread notes.
Please note: ABV will be 0.5% higher when bottling and this kit does not include carbonation drops or priming sugar.