Dingemans Aromatic Malt
Lightly Kilned Malt
When utilised in up to 30% of the grain mixture, Dingemans Aromatic Malt imparts a rich, rosy hue and a robust malt fragrance.
Dingemans Aromatic undergoes an intense germination process followed by gentle kilning, resulting in a rich malt aroma and a deep red hue. Additionally, this malt enhances flavour stability. Dingemans Aromatic is an exceptional specialty malt when used in lower grist percentages to bolster malt flavour and enhance the overall alt profile of richer, more malt forward beers.
Aromatic malt is a biscuit style malt and can be treated like a biscuit malt in terms of usage. Up to 30% can be used with more rich malty complexity being imparted with higher dosage.
Suggested usage: Trappist, Abbey, Amber beers, Ales, Bock beers
EBC: 40 - 60
Lovibond: 16 - 23
Raw Material: Barley
Malted: Yes
Extract (%FGDB): >79