LalBrew New England - American East Coast Ale Yeast
Flavour & Aroma:
Ideal Fermentation Temperature:
Dosage: 1.0g/L
A leading dried yeast strain for the production of juicy beer styles with an 'East Coast IPA' character.
LalBrew® New England is an ale strain selected specifically for its ability to produce a unique fruit forward ester profile desired in East Coast styles of beer. A typical fermentation with LalBrew® New England will produce tropical and fruity esters, notably stone fruits like peach. Through expression of a β-glucosidase enzyme, LalBrew® New England can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma. LalBrew® New England exhibits medium to high attenuation with medium flocculation, making it a perfect choice for East Coast style ales
Brewing Properties:
In Lallemand’s Standard Conditions Wort at 20°C*
Fermentation: 7 days, a bit slower than most ale strains.
Attenuation: Medium to High
Flocculation: Medium
Aroma: Fruity aroma, notably tropical and stone fruit.
Fermentation Temperature: 15°C to 22°C.
Other notes:
- Lag phase can be longer compared to other ale strains, ranging from 18-36 hours. -- - Pitching directly into wort without prior rehydration will often result in better performance including shorter lag-phase and greater attenuation
Typical Analysis:
Percent solids: 93% - 97%
Viability: ≥ 1 x 109 CFU per gram of dry yeast
Wild Yeast: < 1 per 106 yeast cells
Diastaticus: Undetectable
Bacteria: < 1 per 106 yeast cells