Mad Millie Specialty Cheese Kit & Cultures
Please note this kit no longer includes cheese cultures as they have been discontinued by Mad Millie, price has been reduced to reflect this.
This kit contains the same specialty mould spores and cultures as used by small, artisan cheese producers. You can be sure your cheese will be full of flavour and ripened to perfection! With this kit, you can make Camembert, Double Cream Brie, British Blue Style Cheese, French Neufchatel, Blue Vein Cheese, and Gorgonzola.
Designed to be made in any kitchen, no specialised equipment or experience required. Includes specialised BPA Free Cheese Moulds.
No Artificial Flavours or Preservatives - Gluten Free - Vegetarian
Kit Information:
Time: 1 - 5 hours hands on time per recipe (does not include maturing time).
Quantity: Kit makes 20 batches (7 kg/15.4 lb) of Specialty Cheese before refills are required
Cultures included in this kit can be stored at room temperature during postage and transport, once you get them, please place these in the freezer.
Cheeses this kit makes; Camembert, Double Cream Brie, British Blue Style Cheese, French Neufchatel, Blue Vein Cheese, and Gorgonzola.
Cheese Cloth
Cheese Moulds (2)
Cheese Wrap (20 Sheets - 240 mm x 240 mm)
Cheese Wrap Sealing Stickers (20)
Artisan's Cheese Salt
Maturing Box
Cultures for White Mould Cheese
Cultures for Blue Mould Cheese
Vegetarian Rennet Tablets
Calcium Chloride
How to Guide