Omega Yeast Dry Lutra® Kviek - OYL-071
Attenuation: 75-82%
Flavour & Aroma: Clean, Crisp, Neutral, and Dry
Ideal Fermentation Temperature: 20 - 35°C
Dosage: 0.5 - 1.0g/L
A huge temperature range, fast fermentation kinetics and clean flavour makes Lutra an absolute brewing powerhouse capable of producing shockingly clean beers from Imperial stouts to Pseudo-Lagers!
Dried Lutra’s clean canvas, huge temperature range, high alcohol tolerance, and fast finishing speeds means unrivaled flexibility and versatility for nearly any style. For a refreshing pseudo-lager or a huge imperial stout — for any reason you’re using a neutral dry yeast, use Dried Lutra and get more, faster.