Mini 360 Core Regulator M10 Adapter - Nitrogen Bottle Adapter
Allows the core 360 regulator to be used with disposable nitrogen bottles.
If you are looking to dispense Nitro Coffee or Stout using a high capacity M10 Nitrogen Cylinder and a high quality regulator such as the Mini 360 Core Actuator Regulator then you will also need this G1/2" Male x M10 Female adaptor for Nitrogen Cylinders.
Directions for use:
1. Remove the gas bulb-reducing bush from the Mini 360 Core Actuator Regulator (If present).
2. Screw the G1/2" Male x M10 Female adaptor for Nitrogen Cylinders into the Mini 360 Core Actuator Regulator and tighten with a spanner.
3. Connect the Nitrogen cylinder valve onto the regulator. It is recommended that you use a spanner to hold the neck of your Nitrogen cylinder while attaching and detaching the Mini 360 Core Actuator Regulator. Do not overtighten your cylinder into the regulator.
4. Screw the thumbscrew on the Mini 360 Core Actuator Regulator in to to depress the valve on the Nitrogen Cylinder.
5. Set the outlet flow/pressure on the regulator. Please note to turn off the gas you must remove the regulator from the cylinder.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are removing the regulator at any point you MUST use a spanner to hold the brass neck of the cylinder. Failure to do so could cause the strong adhesive glue to crack and the cylinder detach from the fitting.
6. Perform a leak test on your system.
G1/2" Male x M10 Female
*does not include regulator or gas canister