Weyermann Pale Wheat Malt
Adds very little colour to wort but contributes a robust, malty-sweet flavour with notes of bread, nuts, biscuit, toffee, and light caramel. An ideal foundation grain for continental wheat beer styles like Hefeweizen and Kristallweizen, and an essential ingredient in North American wheat ales. Adds a distinct wheat flavour as well as adding body and character to your beers. Beers brewed with wheat malt add a fluffiness to the head. Wheat malt does not have a husk and will be thicken and gum up the mash when used in high proportions. Use 5-10% for better head retention and body or 60%+ in traditional wheat styles alongside a malt with a high diastatic power.
Beer Styles:
- Hefeweizen
- Witbier
- Pale Ale
- Gose
- Berliner Weisse
Malt Style: Base Malt
EBC: 3.0 - 5.0
oL: 1.6 - 2.3
Want a full sack of this malt? You can get it here.